DC Power

Our sites operate various power solutions. In addition to the grid supply, most sites have deep cycle batteries and diesel generators. Many of our sites (more than three quarters) are however solar powered, promoting a green power supply.

To serve our customers effectively, we structure the power solution to meet their needs. Customers can always scale up their needs and be assured that we will be there to guarantee the agreed power supply autonomy. We commit to strict SLAs to ensure the customers’ service continues running when there is no grid supply or any other unforeseen power failure. Our commitment centres on ensuring that there is power during outages so that the customer can focus on service excellence.

To guarantee service availability:

  • Our NOC monitors all power plants 24/7
  • The fuel tanks for generators are closely monitored and filled up whenever the level goes below 50%
  • Generator test startups are done every two weeks
  • Preventative maintenance and services are performed at scheduled times

Why Choose Us

INFRATEL offers a hybrid of power backup solutions that include deep cycle batteries, Solar plants, and some Diesel Generators. Solar plants make up three-quarters of the power plant solutions. INFRATEL tries as much as possible to provide Green energy. Most of the current batteries are made out of Sodium Nickle Chloride.

INFRATEL promises to meet the customer’s power consumption needs. Should the power requirements increase, INFRATEL will scale up the back power to match the new requirement.


  • =Green solutions for majority of power plants
  • =Closely monitored power plants with regular service
  • =Deep cycle batteries
  • =Reliable generators that can run for more than 48 hours before requiring refuelling
  • =NOC monitored power plants 24/7
  • =Bi-weekly startup tests of generators
  • =Fuel tanks get filled up when at 50% capacity

INFRATEL – Accessible Everywhere