Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

This service refers to the implementation in which client machines are replicated to INFRATEL’s data centres at intervals and leverage for disaster recovery is built on Physical Servers, Virtual Machines, and Cloud Storage.

Disaster recovery is a critical feature that every business, large or small, should employ. Without it, millions could be lost or entire businesses wiped out of existence. From hardware failures to large-scale natural disasters, businesses must be prepared to bounce back within the shortest timeframe possible or face dire consequences. Disaster Recovery as a Service is one option organizations should consider, especially if full-time, on-site DR staff is not an option.

Our solutions are designed to back up business data to a secure, offsite location, and in the event of data loss providing quick recovery.


  • =Secure Data Encryption
  • =Scheduled backup of data
  • =Efficient and Cost-Effective Storage
  • =Flexible Recovery
  • =Advanced Networking Capabilities
  • =Multiple backup site locations
  • =Redundant power supply
  • =24/7 technical support.
  • =Surveillance cameras and biometric access.

INFRATEL – Accessible Everywhere